Our Levi is like a sweet & sour Chinese dish. Still rocking strong an hour past his bedtime. As tired as we are we can't help but smile at him and play down our excitement in an effort to calm him down. It takes a lot of willpower to not video or photograph all of these little moments. We played it out hard in the basement, calmed down, donned PJ's, read books, had the graham crackers and milk, still no eye rubbing on this guy. So we played in the bay window. Against the cool glass of our Wisconsin window it seemed warm surrounded by the pinks and reds of the hand-made paper heart garlands. They were strung last week after a few evenings of painting, cutting, and tying, evenly spaced and lovingly made.
Very, very sweet. Perfect for the challenge. :)
Love it! Love the bold color!
Thank you for your kind and funny comment on my blog...was that a DDandD quote? Anyway, love your pic and your eloquent writing...very impressed!
Sooo CUTE!! LoVe it!
Cuteness!!! Oh the cuteness.... :)
Precious. Cherish those moments.
This is cute! I love love LOVE the picture at the top of your blog! So beautiful!
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